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The product is a gel that you can easily mix with water or an oral rehydration salt solution and because the gel has no taste it is well tolerated by kids.
Taking with oral rehydration solution (ORS) is a great option for kids with diarrhoea, as Enterosgel reduces the duration of the diarrhoea and the ORS helps to prevent them from getting dehydrated.
Enterosgel Kids is completely non-allergenic and contains no preservatives, additives, or plant or animal-derived ingredients. It is a safe treatment as it is not adsorbed by the body, it just works in the gut physically binding to bacterial toxins, viruses and other harmful substances that can cause diarrhoea and removing them from your body in the stool.
One tube of Enterosgel Kids is enough to treat one child’s course of diarrhoea. The recommended treatment duration is 3-5 days, although treatment can be stopped as soon as the child’s stools return to normal.
A 2019 laboratory-based UK study demonstrated that Enterosgel can adsorb (bind) bacterial toxins and bile acids which could help treat tummy bugs and IBS.
The study tested the adsorption of bacterial toxins released from Clostridium difficile, Shigella and E.coli, which can cause inflammation and damage to the mucosal cells lining the colon resulting in diarrhoea.
The results showed that Enterosgel has substantial adsorption or binding capacity for these bacterial toxins and to a lesser extent the most common bile acids.
Also, the study supports previous investigations which have shown that Enterosgel can adsorb harmful substances and common viruses which can cause gastrointestinal disorders and diarrhoea.
For children: 1–3 years old: it is advisable to consult a doctor prior to use of ENTEROSGEL®
1–6 years old: 5g (approximately 1 teaspoon or 1/3 of a sachet) diluted in 50–100 ml of water 3 times a day
7–14 years old: 10g (approximately 2 teaspoons or 2/3 of a sachet) diluted in 50–100ml of water 3 times a day
For children 15+ and adults: 15g to 22.5g (approximately 1 tablespoon or 1–1,5 sachet) diluted in 200ml of water 3 times a day. At the beginning of the treatment (on Day 1) you can double the first dose and then continue with a single dose after each bowel movement from 3 to 6 times a day.
Maximum 8 doses on the first day.
Stop the treatment with ENTEROSGEL® if you do not have a bowel movement for 1–2 days, increase your intake of water, and continue the treatment after the next bowel movement.
During the treatment of chronic diarrhea you may adjust your dosage to suit your stool consistency and bowel movements.
You can increase treatment to a double dose up to 3 times a day if your stool is loose, or reduce to a single dose once a day if your stool is normal.
Maximum 6 doses per day.
Know side effects of Enterosgel Kids are Nausea and Constipation.
Please consult your Doctor or a Pharmacist if you have any existing Gastrointestinal issues before using this product.
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