Sep 16, 2018 Erectile Dysfunction
Recently Ian Botham boldly stepped up to the wicket and discussed erectile dysfunction treatment with the world.
By being so open about erectile dysfunction this former England cricket captain, who radiates masculinity, may make it easier for other men to seek help.
Erectile dysfunction affects one in five men, becomes more frequent with age and can be caused by either psychological or physical conditions. Once a man has experienced erectile dysfunction it can have a profound effect on his confidence and worrying about it can increase the chances of it happening again.
Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction, is probably the greatest fear known to men and is very much a taboo subject.
Being unable to achieve or sustain an erection is, sadly, considered to be a major flaw in the masculinity of anyone who has experienced it. Ironically it is so common that chances are that at least one member of your local cricket team will be stressing over erectile dysfunction.
Most causes of erectile dysfunction can be attributed to anxiety and stress, leading to performance anxiety which can perpetuate the condition. Erectile dysfunction can also be attributed to a failing relationship, stressful job and depression.
Erectile dysfunction can also occur during an underlying health condition such as; diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension, renal failure, hypercholesterolemia, and cirrhosis.
Neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and the aftermath of a stroke can also cause erectile dysfunction. The first course of action is to make sure that you get your health issues under control and see if erectile dysfunction is no longer an issue.
However, if symptoms persist and you do not have any psychological or poor lifestyle reasons then your doctor may prescribe medication.
As with all medical conditions the way we live our lives can have a major impact on our health and erectile dysfunction is of no exception.
The NHS Choices website suggests that you make the following changes:-
Maintain a healthy BMI (Body Mass Index) by losing weight.
Give up smoking.
Reduce your alcohol intake.
Avoid illegal drugs.
Exercise regularly.
Manage stress.
Another benefit of making these changes is that your overall health will improve too.
Sir Ian Botham or @BeefyBotham on his Twitter account has courted controversy with his promotion of Vigore Linear Shock Therapy as a sure fire cure for erectile dysfunction.
He claims he used it as a preventative method so maybe he does harbour some embarrassment about the subject.
Fortunately doctors are not afraid to discuss erectile dysfunction and will listen attentively during consultations, provide advice and prescribe medication if necessary.
Presently the most common type of medication for erectile dysfunction are Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors which work by increasing the blood flow to the penis.
If you suffer from heart related medical problems then you are unlikely to be able to take them. Medication is available in the form of tablets or gels and should only be taken once in every twenty four hours.
If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction and are reluctant to talk about it at the moment visit our erectile dysfunction page and you will find our online consultancy very agreeable.
Make the necessary lifestyle changes and you will be scoring a six again.
By Birpal Virdee (October 2017)
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