Asthma is a common respiratory condition affecting 5.4 million people in the UK. The most common form of treatments are inhalers which relax the airways in the chest making breathing easier. Inhalers make the difference between life and death in extreme attacks. It is important that sufferers fill in an annual plan to make sure the medication is still effective. Hospitals admit 185 asthmatics every single day because their inhalers are not enough to prevent an attack. Studies show that people who follow their plans and take inhalers even they feel well are 4 times less likely to go to the hospital. Hospitals consider that a severe attack indicates that your condition is out of control. They will inform your doctor to review your asthma treatment.Keeping on top of your symptoms is the most effective way to avoid an attack. Being aware of triggers and if your condition is worsening helps you to avoid going to the hospital. If you notice that you are wheezing more and finding it difficult to breathe go to your doctor before the symptoms get severe.
What Causes Asthma?
Asthma is a respiratory disease that restricts the airways making it difficult to breathe. The UK has the highest rates in the whole of Europe with three people dying from the condition every day. (Source: People who are most likely to have the condition tend to have lots of allergies, have a history of lung infections, exposure to cigarette smoke at a young age or have a family history.Research suggests the reason there are more diagnosis these days is due to us being so clean and eliminating bacteria from our homes. This weakens our immune system causing it to overreact and initiate attacks. Triggers include; pollen. Dander, dust, strong scents, stress, exercise, cigarette smoke and colds. If people avoid triggers they will improve their asthma considerably.Severe asthma is unresponsive to treatment and alters the thickness of the lining of your lungs. A lot of research is going into finding a definitive treatment for difficult to treat asthma but presently it is just trial and error. This condition is very debilitating for sufferers and restricts their ability to work and enjoy life. If it gets out of control an attack can be fatal most of the people admitted to hospital have this type of asthma.
What Treatments Are Available?
Treatment involves inhalers which relax the airways in the lungs allowing you to breathe easily. There are two types of inhalers, relievers and preventers, the former stops symptoms while the latter stops symptoms arising. There is no cure for asthma so sufferers learn to manage the condition with the help of asthma plans and clinics. Sometimes the condition is resistant to steroids so alternative medication is required. People with mild to moderate asthma are increasingly taking more responsibility for managing the condition to prevent attacks. Asthma plans are the most effective way to do this because they give a complete picture of your condition. Arrange for your doctor to monitor your condition to make sure it isn't getting worse. If you have any concerns about the effectiveness of your treatment you must make an appointment to see your doctor. It is important that you manage your condition effectively.To review and purchase treatment for asthma please click here.
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